The Sun-Google partnership

So Sun and Google is pretty straight forward for now… all about MS their collective believe in Open Source.

Of particular note:

Solaris, OpenOffice, Java, open-source software–is there anything in the partnership that isn’t aimed directly at Microsoft?

Not really. Java competes with Microsoft’s .Net and Windows, OpenOffice competes with Microsoft Office, Solaris competes with Windows, and the Google Toolbar provides access to Google online services that compete with Microsoft’s MSN. [ZDNet]

One More Thing…

Another cool release from Apple looks like it’s coming next week. On October 12, Steve will announce another surprise… Video iPod is the word on the street.

I’d be totally psyched for this, though would really hope it can do more than just music videos which I have no interest in carrying with me. If the screen size and resolution are right it should be a true winner.

Toshiba does have those 80GB drives ready to roll…

Newsgator buying NetNewsWire?

Om Malik is reporting that Newsgator is acquiring Ranchero, makers of NetNewsWire and the ultimate Mac Newsreader.

Congratulations to Brent if this is true (he has yet to confirm on the mailing list) and if so I would love to see NNW on the PC as well as the sync through the Newsgator API which would be the obvious piece to be added through the acquisition.

Confirmed! I guess I’ll be switching my windows RSS reading to Newsgator Online soon since paid users get a 2 year subscription.

Google and Sun? reports on a deal pending between Google and Sun and there’s certainly a few interesting options to consider from the slightly boring to the very interesting!

InternetNews: They’re expected to announce a collaboration to bring StarOffice productivity applications to Google users.
eWeek: For months now rumors have swirled around the release of a possible desktop operating system from Google as it moves to build a comprehensive platform by turning computing into a utility.
AP: Investors suspect that the announcement will concern a sale of Sun’s recently launched Galaxy servers, the technology company’s first foray into commodity servers.
Marketwatch: One possibility is that Google could be buying Sun servers to run the Wi-Fi network. Software could also on the table, based on Schmidt’s background and ties to Sun.

I’m hoping for the GoogleOS – OpenOffice news… server sales are hardly worthy of a joint press announcement.

Premium HDTV on Media Center

Chris Lanier posts an interesting reply to the ongoing dialog on HD on MCE which is summed up nicely in the last few paragraphs of here:

Thomas’ idea of the “closed box inside of an open box” is what PVP-OPM (Protected Media Path) is all about. You have an open box that is your PC, and with the framework in Vista and hardware that will take advantage of it, you have your closed box. The reason it looks like Microsoft might not care about HDTV, is because Media Center is of course built on-top of Windows XP. Windows XP doesn’t provide the framework to enable these solutions to work. In fact, the changes are so drastic in the framework that it’s doubtful Microsoft could apply them in XP at all. Windows Vista will change all of this!

Windows Vista, as I keep saying, will bring a world of new opportunities to the PC and hopefully will provide Thomas (and everyone else) with the platform he wants with the features he wants. If you look at some of the functionality that Vista will be able provide it easy to see that Microsoft does care about HD, and they are working towards solutions for Media Center and the PC in general.

PVP-OPM and related technologies should bring CableCARD support. HD-DVD will provide Managed Copies to your hard drive. You will be able to stream DVD’s (the ones you own now!) around your home network to other devices. You might even be able to rip them to your hard drive (legally) too. Media Center will provide the central location to manage and explore all of your content using a remote and a polished interface. Media Center Extenders and the Xbox 360 will bring the ability to move the content to other rooms in your home without needing a PC in each room. There will be even more that can happen once Vista is released too!

It stinks that we can’t have this functionality now, but wait until Windows Vista ships and I can bet some of the current issues will be addressed! [Chris Lanier’s Blog]

If we all just waited for Vista to buy a new system I don’t think HP, Dell, Gateway, Microsoft or Intel would be too psyched. Think about all the lost sales due to waiting on a product which has been coming soon for years. Sure, it’s on the books for end of 2006, but that’s 3 big purchase cycles away!

I don’t think things will change sooner, I guess my point is that you have to be careful stating stuff like this or you can really impact the goals of quite a few companies all playing on the collective team. Sure most users or potential buyers don’t spend their time surfing developer and enthusiast blogs, but more are and they can certainly be influenced.

HD is important, it’s not the only thing, but it’s important nonetheless. Personally I will probably be waiting to see what happens. MCE today is close, not not there for me on a variety of fronts. There is no way I would go back to SD for TV and I can’t live with the music library management issues either.

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