Great profile in GQ… I really hope Netflix evolves and succeeds in their mission to bring first party content direct to consumers. I don’t even watch much TV but really want the model to change so we have better options for the things we do choose to view.
A Brief History of Title Design
Pure Awesome.
Sony seems out to prove online video can’t work
I’ve written about day and date previously and think it’s a compelling opportunity for media companies and of course the consumer. I seriously doubt though that offering a $25 24 hour rental is the way to succeed.
It is doubtful consumers will find the offer particularly attractive: At $24.95 for a 24-hour rental, it is more than many movies cost to buy on DVD. Still, the offer demonstrates how Sony, like its hardware rival Apple, has more incentive to promote Internet video than other media companies. via
Sony is apparently offering this solely through their connected TVs which is totally ridiculous. No PS3? Oh right different department. Fail. I’m curious what percentage of consumers with a new connected set, actually have it configured and working for anything … It should be interesting to hear how Sony reports back on the results of this test.