Do you use more than one sim and more than one device? If you do then I would imagine you’ve also experienced the pain that’s associated with re-configuring EVERY data-centric application to a new access point each time you switch!
Why can’t phones be smarter to see that once the SIM has been switched the prior preferred AP is ready to be used. Voicemail is the only function that auto-programs itself when you switch .. While I certainly appreciate this effort, it’s quite minor as my usage is at least 90% data.
Given my travel as of late, I see this all too regularly. I switch my phones based on where I can take advantage of the 3G services and to avoid incurring personal roaming charges. Why can’t mobile devices support this with smarter switching capabilities?
What's worse is you end up like me, who still manually chooses an access point each time I use a data-app, simply because my phones don't intelligently switch even between 3G and WiFi yet.
Some of the stuff in FP2 and present in 5th edition looks like it will help, but it's still a pain …
What's worse is you end up like me, who still manually chooses an access point each time I use a data-app, simply because my phones don't intelligently switch even between 3G and WiFi yet.
Some of the stuff in FP2 and present in 5th edition looks like it will help, but it's still a pain …