I’ve been using an Android device for a little over a year and my mobile habits are pretty formed. I also carry an iPhone and I’d love to find app parity between platforms. In general I’m equally productive across the two, but there are a few things I’d really like to have on Android that are simply missing at the moment… Nothing critical but all nice to have at different levels.
- Reading: Flipboard, Zite Instapaper and a client for Readability (also missing on iOS). Google Currents is solid on both platforms and Android can do some really slick “send to” things with Intents for sharing but I’m looking for more app-ified reading to keep it flowing.
- Photos: Instagram. Picplz and Lightbox are both nice but it’s the social side of Instagram I’m missing and what’d I’m looking forward to seeing finally arrive. I should acknowledge that since taking up Path, my desire for Instagram has lessened but mainly because the Galaxy Nexus is becoming my go to device. Path has some nice free / pay filters and excellent social sharing.
- Notifications: Boxcar for social messaging and Slice for package tracking and shipping notices. Neither are critical but both would be quite nice to have. Boxcar captures a deeper look at twitter than mentions (favorites and lists) and was supposed to have arrived by now. I’ve spent less time engaged on twitter since the arrival of Google+ which is much better on Android … Though no surprise there.
In all the list isn’t that long. The main missing piece is reading which I do a tone of as a self-confessed I formation junkie. Google Reader is great anywhere but the curated content is a great way to mix it up. Photos should evolve soon enough. I’m guessing that with a snap in Instagram, I’ll be able to “send to” anywhere much the way Android typically allow which will probably earn more of my time.
Camera+ too.
Have you tried InstaFetch? It’s just about as good as the Instapaper client on iOS.
I actually stopped using Instapaper in favor of Read It Later. I like their new web interface better.
just downloading InstaFetch now … had somehow missed that one. I really like ReaditLater too and have a Pro account. What I miss in Instapaper is the discovery aspect and the quick share option based on liking something. The best mobilizer though imho is Readability. I’m using a bookmarklet and reading in the browser which is great as long as you’ve got a connection. Readitlater is cool since it grabs things in the background for offline.
btw – instafetch is nice and works well! ReaditLater does better rendering though between the two. about to post a screenshot comparison of the three ways to read.
FYI. There’s an ifttt (
http://ifttt.com/recipes/276) recipe that will automatically add items starred in Google Reader to Read It Later. I use it all the time.