Russell Beattie just posted a great overview of an after-hours project he’s been working on to build a better reader. I’ve been quite loyal to Google Reader as I suppose many info-junkies and given the number of things I’m tracking in there it would be hard to move.
While Google Reader is far from beautiful (though admittedly much nicer with Readable installed) it’s been the hardest working tool I’ve come across in my many years of absorbing it all. I’ve long since really given up on trying to tag feeds too diligently or manage the subscriptions is useful folders. My flow is just that … a flow. I view all and crank through as much as I can per session. I don’t get bogged down with unread vs read items – it’s impossible to do anyway.
Social represents another opportunity for inputs, and that’s a nice way to discover some other things, though I generally find the most within the first pinned tab … which is where Reader lives for me. It’s essential.
Mobile is huge as well and while Reader remains completely un-sexy in presentation, I’ve yet to find an app that beats direct access for efficiency. Loading and downloading stories to read is time, I’d rather spend reading even if the presentation might be a touch nicer … when it comes to information, it’s all about the general consumption, rather than the taste.
I’m the same way. I’ve tried a few other solutions, but nothing really compares. Google Reader gives me access from pretty much any device I pick up, with minimal hassle.
I also don’t bother much with organization – just give me the content, and I’ll filter through myself.
The biggest thing I miss, though, is the ‘shared’ items – I loved seeing things that my friends would see in their feeds that they would share with me, merged in with my normal flow.
dropping shared items was a big loss for me too … the +1 feeds don’t work back into reader and it’s no longer easy to auto-share. I used to post out quite a bit and easily from Reader and they kiled that too in exchange for a Plus only method. pretty limited in usefulness given the audience differences … oh well.
Have you tried NewsBlur? It’s like the Instapaper of RSS, in that it’s 1 developer that is continually improving it and offering an alternative to Google Reader that is just as good, and better in some ways (Intelligent Filters).
Give it a try if you haven’t checked it out.
just signed up … the interface is less than stellar though the good ol’ reader shortcut keys seem to navigate you around easily enough. not seeing mobile view is not good either … that’s critical for me. Are you using this as your primary reader these days?
For Mobile there are Android and iOS apps available (and amazingly one for Meego from a 3rd party dev).
Yeah I’ve switched from Greader to Newsblur as my primary reader. I like using a Feed Reader that is continuously being improved/developed, rather than Greader that has remained stagnant besides the G+ introduction and dropping Shared Feeds.