I’ve had this post from Fred Wilson bookmarked since this morning and I’m finally getting back around to formalizing a few thoughts. First the notion of content shifting is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. As someone who works on multiple devices (sometimes concurrently) keeping things (and myself actually) in sync is not so simple. Beyond just the basics, the actual content consuption bits from my digital adventures are really the parts I’m interested in connecting as I move between locations and contexts.
While I don’t have everything sorted just yet, one thing I’ve been really keen on lately is Pinboard. I discovered Pinboard during the del.icio.us is closing chaos and am really pleased I did because it is an incredibly powerful, yet also very simple tool. It’s not perfect in replacing delicious sharing for me, but it’s making up for things with some new features considerably. The best thing Pinboard does is capture all my shared links from Twitter, Google Reader, and Instapaper in addition to backing up my delicious bookmarks and of course saving any new ones. This auto-collection process makes it dead simple for me to manage my reading and really has been awesome for making sure I know where all my links have gone. I can call stuff up or save more from within Chrome via extension, on iPhone with Delibar or bookmarklet and on Android with PinDroid. This is far more around my collection rather than consumption of content, though one additional feature Pindroid and instapaper manage is what’s been read vs unread. I can’t say I use that much as I’m just happy to have a simple point of capture, but it’s worth noting …
On the media consumption side of things, Netflix is really the only service I’ve seen that enables stopping and resuming between devices on your account and this has been great for my family and our small army of iDevices.
I’ve yet to find a good music solution for resume … Rdio comes close with the browser player, but as best as I can tell, you can’t pick an album or playlist up where you left it. Pandora definitely doesn’t work that way at all …
Kindle is pretty bulletproof for books and something I love, but there’s still a lot of room to improve across other content types.