The Mobile Peer Awards is the annual competition from MobileMonday and will take place at Petit Palau at the Palau de la Musica on February 16, 2009 from 16H till 20H right during the upcoming Mobile World Congress.
For Startups, participation is free of charge and open to any startup willing to pay their way to the event but you must register before the December 31 deadline.
The idea is that each chapter of Mobile Monday, nominates their favourite local startup to go into the final. This year there are no less than a staggering 67 chapters entering. This means that there’s an (online) pre-judging round selecting 20 finalists to present their 3-minute pitch at the event in Barcelona.
To make the finalist selection as transparent and open to the industry as possible, the organizers are accepting applications to the finalist-selecting jury (individuals who will select the finalists among all the chapter nominees by online vote during mid January – and will not need to be in Barcelona). If you’re interested to become part of that jury or know someone who should be part of it, send an email to jury AT mobilepeerawards DOT com with a short bio, your LinkedIn profile, and personal blog and twitter name if you have it. [m-trends]