Currently Providing Wifi on Metro North

02/04/2009 someone's ipod connecting on my joikuspot

Tonight for the first time ever I noticed someone else (an ipod!) using my joikuspot and in light of my recent post on the lack of wifi on Metro North, I’ve decided to leave the AP open.  Service fluctuates between 3.5G and EDGE, but it’s functional for RSS, email and blogging.  No idea what this guy is doing tonight, but enjoy your free access buddy!

9 Replies to “Currently Providing Wifi on Metro North”

  1. Last year at SXSW, I was being teased by many of my iPhone friends for being so committed to Nokia. When the wifi went out due to too many folks on the system, I fired up the JoikuSpot and then smiled at my friends and invited them to use the wifi. All but one were too abashed to take me up on the offer.


  2. yah, I hadn't heard of JoikuSpot until I just read Jonathan's post. Def a huge pull to the Nokia line. My iPhone 3G really isn't even really 3G 😉

  3. funny you write this, just 2 weeks ago on a train ride to Tampere, something I do very often, for the 1st time someone connected to my Joikuspot as well! i was a prick tho, turned off my AP and turned on encryption.

  4. funny you write this, just 2 weeks ago on a train ride to Tampere, something I do very often, for the 1st time someone connected to my Joikuspot as well! i was a prick tho, turned off my AP and turned on encryption.

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