Terrible name … but the 5+ inch screen form factor is actually pretty awesome. I’ve been using a Galaxy Note since the end of last week and I have to say I love it. The size does take some getting used to and there are definitely moments where single-hand use can be a challenge though the benefits are clear. It’s just easier to deal with the content on screen – easier on the eyes and in some cases a richer experience as well given you get some tablet-like advantages in landscape mode.
In my use, I’ve really let the iPad Mini I’ve also been testing sit on the sidelines and to be perfectly honest I haven’t felt the need to use my iPhone much either. This larger phone form is starting to make me realize I could actually become a single phone guy. Maybe.
Techcrunch has two worthy reads:
Analyst: 5-Inch+ Phones Will More Than Double Marketshare In 2013 — 60M Incoming, Up 136%
Quartz also had a great read recently – Apple refuses to make the one mobile device taking over the world—but not for long
I’m definitely convinced this is a real sub-category, if not a developing category of smartphones. My perception is that I can do even more with the device which makes me want to keep using it … and use it more.