OJR is featuringJ.D. Lasica‘s series on Participatory Journalism. Lots of primo stuff in here. Required reading (and writing).
The Coming Wi-Fi World
Sky Dayton, the serial entrepreneur (who also founded the highly successful EarthLink) predicts where the Wi-Fi industry is going, and what the wireless world will look like [AlwaysOn Network]
Feel factor
Feel factor — “If IDEO is the yang of the design industry, then Sony is the yin as the two… [WebWord]
I’ve been exposed very directly to the thinking at IDEO through work and find them to be a fascinating company. The article linked is a good read and provides a nice overview…
End of the road for SMTP?
The pioneering e-mail protocol is under intense scrutiny by its critics, one of its originators and standards bodies trying to rescue the Internet from overdosing on spam. [CNET News.com]
Reorganizations: What to expect and avoid
Wharton experts examine recent megamergers and find that there are common themes to explain the success–and failure–of what are almost always jarring corporate restructurings.
[CNET News.com]
I just discovered a very cool piece of Java software thanks to the WebDeveloper Weekly newsletter.
JBook lets users retrieve, read, and bookmark electronic texts from Project Gutenberg and other sources. It transforms any computer into an electronic book reader with an entire library available on demand.
Search engine personalization: An exploratory study
Search engine personalization: An exploratory study [First Monday]
Have to read this one later when I have time…
Congrats Rael!
While not the only Mac user, Rael is the only successful Mac (iBook) photo in the latest unWired issue. Everything else is Centrino…
Conversation With Marc Andreessen
It’s been 10 years since Marc Andreessen and colleagues at the University of Illinois launched Mosaic, the first browser to navigate the World Wide Web.
But according to Andreessen, we’re still less than halfway through the generational cycle of adoption that will shape how we ultimately incorporate the Internet into our daily lives.
Rising Tide Studios for sale
It was only a matter of time…. This paper has lost much signifance and relevance since the dot com hey day. I would expect that whoever does buy it (if anyone) merges it into their existing biz pub.
Crain’s NY reports that Jason Calacanis is putting Rising Tide Studios (the parent company of Venture Reporter) up for sale… [Gawker]
Always On
The crew from Red Herring as well some “celebrity” business types have formed the AlwaysOn blog. Officially launches on Monday, but you can check it out now if you like.
The AO Proposition
In the next wave, media companies will have to share control with the audience they serve. eBay taught us the power and profitability of that idea in the first wave. But giving up control is a huge challenge for an old, crusty and entrenched industry. At AlwaysOn, we invite some of the smartest chiefs, geeks, investors, boosters and wonks to come play in our spontaneous and uncensored arena.The Inside Team
Sysop, Michael Perkins, June Sargent, Matthew Falzone,Tony Nash, Celia Nunez, Kathy Osweiler, Tony Perkins, Bonnie Powell, David ProckCelebrity Bloggers & Correspondents
Bruce Pasternack, Jonathan Medved, John Sculley, Timothy Draper, MARC BENIOFF, Leonard Brody, rajit gadh, Karl Jacob, Tom Jessiman, Brian Keating, Jamis MacNiven, Tony Nash, Joe Schoendorf, Mike Tatum
Jupiter Research Start Blogging
This is great stuff… Just added the feeds to NetNewsWire.
Press Release: Jupiter Research Announces the Launch of Analyst Weblogs
Jupitermedia Corporation (Nasdaq: JUPM – News) today announced that its Jupiter Research division will be the first research advisory firm to offer dedicated research analyst Weblogs.
The new Web site at features Weblogs authored by senior Jupiter Research analysts and will offer timely access to analysis on breaking news, events and announcements. Each analyst will keep a frequently updated Weblog that will include interesting links, running commentary, personal thoughts and essays providing thought provoking insight that will enhance Jupiter Research’s products.“The addition of the Weblogs allows us the opportunity to engage our clients in new ways and to share our insight with the world,” said Jupiter Research Director Michael Gartenberg. “Launching the Weblogs continues Jupiter Research’s history of covering, as well as embracing new Internet technologies,” said Gartenberg.
Cory’s novel (creatively licensed) is out
Cory Doctorow’s brilliant novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, is out today. Buy it early and often. Cory’s book is also the very first to be offered initially both for sale and under a CreativeCommons license. That means you can also download it for free. As Cory describes it,
“The entire text of my novel is available as a free download in a variety of standards-defined formats. No crappy DRM, no teasers, just the whole damned book.”
But as he (and I) expect, once you start the book, you’ll see you want it in its bound form. So again, you might as well buy it too.
Cory has been defending the rights of creators at EFF for sometime now. With this experiment, he is putting his money where his heart is. I’ve had enormous respect for him for a very long time, but I’m quickly discovering new heights of respect.
Congratulations, Cory, on a great novel, made available to the world freely — comments; and with great CC metadata to boot!
Check out the CC Weblog later today for an interview with Cory about the novel, and his ideas about licensing.
ICONOCAST Launches Revamped Publication
Thanks to marketingfix for the pointer here…I used to read ICONOCAST regularly, then they slowed down publication and it seemed to become less relevant. Hopefully the new venture will turn out to be worthwhile.
ICONOCAST has been gradually adapting its proposition over the last year culminating in this week’s relaunch under the banner of Trendsetters.com.
The inaugural issue simply highlights some of last year’s top trends, so it is difficult to fully gauge how good this publication is going to be, however it does look as though it could be very useful.
How Total Information Awareness works…
Thanks Aaron!
How Total Information Awareness Works: A Simple Guide: “
from Total Information Awareness (TIA) System [darpa.mil].
Everything make sense now?
” Source: Aaron Swartz
Rushkoff knows how to make you think…
suggested reading – Rich against Poor
Salon on Indie Film
Thank goodness for the Salon Ultramercial from the Discovery Channel or I would not be able to enter this new area of Salon which is premium content.
Salon.com Arts & Entertainment | Underground rising
Discovery Channel has finally replaced Mercedes with a new surround session. One interesting addition to their ad, aside from being more invasive. is that you can elect to have a voicemail reminder (no iCal??) left by James Cameron to watch their feature The Bismark on Sunday. Too bad it competes with The Sopranos season finale and TiVo can’t watch and record two programs… have to catch it as a replay.
“Welcome to the Real World”
From Weblog to Moblog: “A weblog is a record of travels on the Web, so a mobile phone log (moblog?) should be a record of travels in the world. Weblogs reflect our lives at our desks, on our computers, referencing mostly other flat pages, links between blocks of text. But mobile blogs should be far richer, fueled by multimedia, more intimate data and far-flung friends. As we chatter and text away, our phones could record and share the parts we choose: a walking, talking, texting, seeing record of our time around town, corrected and augmented by other mobloggers.
If we can protect our privacy and trust data networks, then we might find that some of our daily activities would be enhanced by sharing them, both with our circle of friends around the Web, and the people nearby with like minds. Each of our moblogs, our mobile information profiles and archives, could search people in the area for compatible data. Think of it as a Web search on the real world. The results would be constant, part of conversation, tracked by your moblog” Source: Smart Mobs
On my reading list…
This book is on my hitlist waiting to be read at home… now I can start it as it was originally intended to be. Wired (below) has a link to download the missing chapter.
Mitnick’s ‘Lost Chapter’ Found: “The first chapter of hacker Kevin Mitnick’s new book was omitted from the print version by the publisher. It mysteriously showed up online over the weekend. By Michelle Delio.” Source: Wired News
Seems like a good one…
Seems like a good one… I just added it to my wishlist.
The Six Forces of Marketing Momentum
HBSWK Pub. Date: Oct 28, 2002 by Ron Ricci and John Volkmann