Some recent saved favorites from Pocket:
Google Play now drives 25% more downloads than iOS app store, has 50% the revenue: Google Play is continuing its inexorable overtaking of the App Store, with downloads now 25 percent higher, and app revenue that is slowly overtaking Apple’s sales. The reason is exactly the same one that impacts iOS market share: international markets. – by John Koetsier –
Reading J.J. Abrams’ Novel S. Is Like Downloading Lost to Your Brain: Let’s get the tl;dr version out of the way first: If you were a fan of Lost — and especially the speculation and theorizing that surrounded the show itself — then S., the novel/meta-narrative by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst, is pretty much written for you. – by Graeme McMillan –
The DIY Cyborg: Humanity just made a large, DIY step towards a time when everyone can upgrade themselves towards being a cyborg. Of all places, it happened somewhere in the post-industrial tristesse of the German town of Essen. – by Max Hoppenstedt –
17 Responses to “Confirmed: Apple & Best Buy will price match Walmart’s $479 iPad Air deal in stores (Staples too)”: As it has been known to do for recent Apple product launches, Walmart announced last week that it would be offering a $20 discount on Apple’s new entry-level 16GB iPad Air starting as soon as the device launches tomorrow on November 1. – by Jordan Kahn –
How Mountain Biking Explains The Painful Exhilaration Of Launching A Startup: Falling hurts–so does failing–but it’s part of the journey. So you’re teetering on the edge of starting your own business and you’re looking for advice. Here is mine: Go get yourself a mountain bike. – by David Rose –
A Stunning Elevated Biking Track Keeps Cyclists Far Away From Careening Cars: In most cities, cycling infrastructure isn’t much more than a few dotted lines on the road. But that’s not how it is in the Netherlands, one of the world’s most cycle-friendly nations. –
T-Mobile’s Wacky Plan to Trash the Wireless Business Model: John Legere smiled, the kind of smile reserved for a man who knows he has already won and is just waiting to announce it. – by Brendan Greeley –
Fab’s Chief Design Officer Bradford Shellhammer Leaves The Company: The cofounder of the e-commerce company, valued at $1 billion, is stepping away from his day-to-day role; Jason Goldberg will stay on as CEO. Fab cofounder and chief design officer Bradford Shellhammer has announced he is stepping away from his day-to-day role at the e-commerce company. –
Broken news: struggling to find facts in the Twitter maelstrom: As with Hurricane Sandy, the Boston Marathon bombings, and countless other major stories, news of today’s shooting at the Los Angeles International Airport was sometimes muddled with misinformation. – by Adi Robertson –
Google just pulled a “Facebook Home”: KitKat’s primary interface is Google Search: One of the headline features of Android 4.4 is a revamped home screen and app launcher. The icons are bigger, there is more transparency, and the app drawer makes better use of the screen real estate. – by Ron Amadeo –
The ‘father of the iPod’ explains how his company Nest is using tech to make your home ‘conscious’: What’s the very first thing you do when you meet one of the ‘fathers of the iPod‘? Complain about central heating, that’s right. – by Ben Woods –
Video: Helmet-cam cyclist busts driver eating cereal at 30mph: Police are investigating after a helmet cam-equipped cyclist spotted a driver in Edinburgh eating a bowl of cereal, complete with milk, while driving at over 30mph. YouTube user Raging Bike posted the footage after a ‘WTF’ moment as the driver passed him on a busy Edinburgh street. – by John Stevenson – Tags: Cycling, cycle, bike, bicycle, biking, road, leisure, commute, race, cycle clothing, cycle gear, cycle components, reviews, bike reviews, news, video, forums, chat, riding –