Talk about Making things easy!

For whatever reason I decided to mess around with WordPress and have to say at first glance it is very slick. The WordPress team has made a product that is very advanced, while maintaining a high degree of simplicity at the same time. I was able to edit my posts from an MT export by editing one line in the import script (just had to say where my MT export file was) and then it fully imported my entire history of MT in about 30 seconds!! When I was moving hosts I tried a few things with MT to MT transfers and it was no where even close to that simple. Sure MT also knows how to import things, but how can another system do a better job??!!

I like how WordPress has included a much more advanced in-browser editing system as well. You can very easily add details to posts with minimal code, unlike MT – at least on Mac. I am not sure just yet that I’ll be switching over fully as I have a nice link history with Google and I would have to figure out a mass-redirect or figure out a way to name my posts in WordPress the same. Assuming that is possible, I might just make the move…

I’ve user Blogger, GreyMatter, Radio, MT, TypePad and now WordPress…

You can see my default template site here if you like. Once I figure out a few snags, I’ll deal with the template… assuming I keep the site.

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