Good news on the buying content front… one package, multiple formats.
Bandai Visual allows almost every PSP user to breathe a sigh of relief as they announce the release of the first DVD title to come packaged with a UMD of the same contents. Or at least I was relieved…
“Eureka Project” (sorry, didn’t bother looking up the English name) is the anime series that will be available in this dual media package beginning in July (in Japan).
As with anything related to UMD-Video, however, the price point becomes key. Put your fears to rest, though, as the version including a UMD-Video costs only 1,200 yen more (about $12 USD) than the version without. As our recent poll results show, this $12 figure is well in the price range of a large portion of PSP owners/future owners. [PSP-Vault]
First DVD/UMD package announced???????