So Jason Calacanis (Weblogs Inc) has been hard at work on a stealth project within AOL which rears it’s head today as Netscape Beta. It’s essentially DIgg, plus editors, but for much more than simply tech news. It looks interesting… I am not sure that I’ll be that intrigued to use it more than today to be honest – I mean there are already way too many news sources. If nothing else, I’ll probably add some RSS feeds once I explore a bit more.
Digg is actually supposed to be launching it’s new site for all news next week and Vallywag has screenshots.
If you like community driven editor supported news there’s also Newsvine.
Quite a bit happening in this space… Digg appears to be the leader, but personally I think Newsvine is the most interesting for now – I’m sure Digg is up to the challenge.