Stefan from Ring Nokia thinks Shozu needs to watch their back now that Mobup has been released. I can’t say that I agree… In fact I can’t see this threatening Shozu in any way. The only feature Shozu does not have is the GPS integration which granted is quite cool, but far from critical.
Where Shozu shines is with native camera use – it’s seemless and the last thing I want to do it overcomplicate opening the shutter by first having to open an application to take a picture. You also get full access to your gallery of images for uploading later if you like and of course the fact that it runs as a service so when you snap a pic or shoot a video you can upload it on the spot which is totally kick-ass. You can also use the full picture size (vs. mobup maxing out at 640×480) which is great considering I can shoot 3.2MP.
One other key point of difference, pictures I take in Shozu actually upload. I tried three images and all failed to leave the N73.
Shozu now also supports video which means you can upload (less than 4MB) files right to YouTube if you like. I previous noted some S60 photoblog apps, and Meaning was one that could do the GEO Tag via GPS, but unfortunately does not work in S60v3.
Technorati Tags: Flickr, Meaning, MobUp, N73, Nokia, NSeries, photoblog, Shozu, Youtube
I’ve got no camera phone to test this with, I just made that statement based on the fact that some developers out there thought ShoZu wasn’t good enough so they decided to make their own solution.
I’m all for competition — and not bashing you either…
Shozu is definitely the one to beat. Even the Nokia integration with Flickr is not as slick as how adding shozu makes sharing pics and videos.
They are apparently working on the GPS piece as well which will be great to have.
how did you get that “stared in google reader” bar on the side of your blog?
When you are in Google Reader, you hit Settings, then Tags.
You’ll see next to both Starred and Shared, you can click to make one of or both of them public, and then click on the add a clip to your site link and you’ll get a pop-up for configuring the options.
I chose starred since that shows up in the mobile version of GR, while shared does not and given the amount of mobile reading I (and I am sure you) do, I wanted the option for adding to my blog sidebar.
Finally got along to watching your video reviews; brilliant.
Jonathan, I really appreciate your critics and I’d like to thank you for this post regarding Mobup – even if you talk about it in a negative way ;-).
First of all let’s bug check: it’s sound kinda strange to me you weren’t able to upload (we are plenty with users posting on Flickr using Mobup, just to state that it actually works -> Could you pls confirm that you correctly setted up the software with your Flickr account as stated on the mobup how to page (; if you aren’t allowing mobup posting FROM YOUR FLICKR account it will never work due to Flickr security policies.
Thenm to the Mobup/Shozu comparison. Since it’s birth (they have almost the same age) everybody compared the two products sometimes giving props to Mobup, sometimes to Shozu.
They’re not similar and they do different things:
1) Mobup shot and uploads (with autotagging, automatic geotagging, etc.)I Shozu is a (great) editor and uploader for your mobile photos.
2) Mobup is free while you pay your Shozu usage with your personal data (cellnumber include)
3) Mobup shots and uploads directly to flickr, with Shozy you’re leaving your photos ALSO on the Shozu staging server (this could be ok for some, probably for you. Not for me, sorry)
This said, since Mobup is a no-profit open source project, I hope you’ll join the team of beta testers and friends which daily helps us improving the Mobup experience.
I had definitely been through Flickr and authorized the request for mobup. No dice when I tried to upload.
How is your service free? I appreciate that it’s an open source endeavor, but just like Shozu a user would be subject to the data plan they have regardless. If you are sending anything other than voice, they charge you – unless you have an unlimited plan.
I’m cool with the staging server of Shozu for now… I’m not doing anything confidential with my phone… 😉
If mobup worked from the background (and actually uploaded the images for me) I think you could definitely be a nice alternative for Shozu.
Eh eh, let me say we’re talking about angels’ sex: the service is free (with no personal data given to us instead of money) what you pay is – in some cases – the connection.
Thanks for the suggestion, we might work on it in the future.
Just wanted to clarify that ShoZu only keeps files on its server temporarily (this makes it much cheaper to send the video or photo to a second destination from the phone, as it doesn’t require a repeat OTA upload). The files are deleted from the ShoZu server as soon as they are deleted from the phone.
Good luck to mobup.
Andy Tiller
CTO ShoZu.
i agree with your post…
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PixelPipe seems to be the new alternative.