Renault and Nokia to cobrand a crap car?

The Nokia Renault?

This makes absolutely no brand sense. Why would you take a high end device like the Nokia N95 and pair it with a low to mid-range Renault?

The car comes with Nokia’s integated GPS as well as car kit (naturally) to pair with the N95. The integration of GPS is an interesting move, but that could have been something on it’s own. The co-branding is the bit that just feels wrong to me. I guess my American bias is working overtime here against Renault, but a VW Jetta / Passat seems like a more appropriate choice. And yes I know about the iPod integration there … competition is a bitch.

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9 Replies to “Renault and Nokia to cobrand a crap car?”

  1. marketing and (especially) branding does not follow common sense rules – I mean it is pretty much possible to have formula like “crap + crap = success ” remember ? after all, you are about to sell to 30 bloody lemmings… ergh… I mean, normal consumers 😉

  2. Actually think I was lucky enough to miss that last one … Speed up your tongue followed by Join the Community makes a lot sense.

    At least in that case the choice to match a lower end (pre-nseries) with a low end car seemed more appropriate – though still awful.

    I think the way in which BMW integrates the iPod into their m-drive is what Nokia should be aspiring towards …

  3. nice article! nice site. you're in my rss feed now 😉
    keep it up

  4. It really has no sense at all. why would Nokia having a pair up with Renault? it's ok for me Nokia is co-branded with top cars such as Lamborghini or Ferrari… but not on Renault!

  5. It really has no sense at all. why would Nokia having a pair up with Renault? it's ok for me Nokia is co-branded with top cars such as Lamborghini or Ferrari… but not on Renault!

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