If you regularly check the Download application on your Nokia devices you might have recently seen the addition of Facebook as I did. I was pretty excited to see this as I’ve been expecting something since Nokia and Facebook announced a relationship many moons ago …
To my disappointment, however, the Facebook “application” downloaded and installed yet when launched, my web browser opened and I was taken to the existing m.facebook.com site I already have bookmarked! I have to say I find this type of thing a tad deceptive as it totally misinforms the consumer experience and could probably have been solved with a tweak in the firmware update I recently completed. If the goal was to get me in the browser why not just add the bookmark automatically …
Facebook is not the first time I’ve seen this. Nokia’s own MOSH service installed in the same manner … only opening the browser. The only advantage I can see to this method of installation (ahem) is that I can choose the bookmark as an application from Handy Taskman and also easily add it as a homescreen shortcut. Of course, as expected this does not see the open tab I’ve already got going for Facebook and just opens another … further wasting my time and reducing system resources.
It’s hard not to be critical of this stuff … it’s lame.
You've inspired me!
Upgraded my software 200.21.118 and the app (misleading as it is) has disappeared?
Know where i can get it?
the bookmark / application should be in the Download! application
nope not there anymore? was handy to have the icon to take you straight there…
very strange – I see it on all my devices in Download
Where do u guys see it? I refresh every time I go in…
Not in Applications, Office, Freetime, Communication… weird
I see it in the Applications folder (first one) within Download
It's not showing in my Download! anymore
I checked again on the E71 last night and the Facebook “app” seems to have been removed ….
it depends on the firmware on the phone.. if you updated the software recently, then it wont show up on Downloads.. this is pish..
I stumbled upon this a while ago, and had the same disappointment. S60 as mature as it is should be ashamed to have last dips on social networking apps.. really Nokia get your act together. I love your hardware but your software and sdk program is astoundingly behind the times.
it depends on the firmware on the phone.. if you updated the software recently, then it wont show up on Downloads.. this is pish..
You may also try the third party Socially app (http://bit.ly/6mFra0) on Nokia phones. Lets you post to & see Facebook + Twitter + LinkedIn status and profile photos of callers when phone rings – something like social callerID
and LinkedIn today announced the availability of a version of
LinkedIn that’s compatible with Nokia’s Symbian handsets. The new
application for Nokia’s Symbian devices allows users LinkedIn features such as Connections, Reconnect, Updates,
Invitations, Inbox and Search.