Spammers starting the new year off strong!

I’ve received hundreds more comment spam attempts and actually about 200 hundred new spam comments this morning. The new ones are deleted, added to my blacklist and getting blasted. When my mail checks every 5 minutes I get anywhere from 30 to 50 new notifications of deletes. Pretty intense…

I checked the domain of the new guy – a pictures url – and it was registered yesterday, in obvious preparation for today.

UPDATE — I originally posted this at about 20 minutes to 1 p.m. It’s now 4 p.m. and I’ve received 1463 notifications on comment spam attempts. This is out of control! Fortunately, the Spaminator has an option to set the notifications to false which I’ve just done. With that many Spam notices, I can’t possibly utilize my Treo for email as it will simply choke on that number of new messages. At least manages them as threads so they are listed as a single message until I open the thread and then… whoa.

6 Replies to “Spammers starting the new year off strong!”

  1. I’ve been debating that as well actually. Now that the notifications are set to false I don’t see any spam attempts which is a veery nice change. The plugin was clearly working!

  2. I renamed my comments.php file (on pMachine) and the c-spammers simply discovered the new path.

    Staying one step ahead of these asswipes is a real challenge.

  3. I renamed my comments.php file (on pMachine) and the c-spammers simply discovered the new path.

    Staying one step ahead of these asswipes is a real challenge.

  4. Just by turning the notification off on my Spaminator plugin, I was able to reduce knowledge of the spam attacks which is quite pleasant. I’m sure they are still trying, but nothing is currently getting through and I am a happy camper!

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