I’ve made a few small changes around the blog… A new header graphic and some links in the sidebar. I think for the time being, I’ll be using del.icio.us for links and smaller items rather than simply blogging a full post with basically just a link. I’m sure exceptions will follow, but we’ll see how this goes.
If you read this via newsreader and would like to update your subscription, now would be a great time! I’ve been using Feedburner for some time and would certainly love to know more about the people reading. As you might notice this is a non-commercial adventure so I am not looking to track you to serve contextual ads… though GoogleAd words may make a return this year at some point.
My Links Feed … though I have the ability to include the links directly in the main feed thanks to Feedburner’s splicing. If that’s easier and people would prefer a single source for everything that eventually gets posted here, it’s easy enough to merge. Please let me know.