Not the blog, but our home!
I stepped off the red eye Thursday and immediately got to moving. First 2 guys arrived to disassemble and reassemble a couch we had to have taken apart to initially fit in a room when we purchased it about 5 years ago. Soon thereafter our team of movers arrived to pack up our stuff. Having someone else pack was totally worth the extra cash and just made everything that much less stressful. Of course I say that and it was my wife who had to deal with most of the details while I was away on business, but still they just came in and simultaneously took care of all our rooms at once.
By the end of the day, we were mostly packed with the exception of our bed and the desk to allow fro some civilized internet access. We made a final stop at our storage unit and closed shop for the day. Friday started early again and by noon we were on the road to Westchester. It only took the team a few hours to move everything inside – though much of our stuff headed to the basement for future sorting and purging. We spent the whole day and well into the evening unboxing and getting things put away.
Saturday was more unpacking and dealing… fishing lines with the cable guy and getting settled with the grill. Sunday was more of the same with some local errands as well.
Amazing what can be done in a short time. I’d like to spend more time there this week but I am off to the other coast with more travel, so things will have to wait until the end of the week.