Like the Media Sharing I showed in a recent post there’s another new feature within FP2, that’s worth showing because I would bet that most N-Series users are going to be pretty enthusiastic about it … and that’s Home Sync.
Essentially Home Sync takes the UPnP (and DLNA Certification) to the next level enabling full sync of your content through dynamic sync lists which are essentially smart playlists letting you choose what makes sense to take with with you based on the device capacity.
There’s a demo video on the NSeries site which refuses to embed … You can watch it here.
I have not had a chance to test this and can’t see really running this via VMWare for now though the idea of an intelligently synced device is very attractive. As nice as UPnP is, it still feels very underutilized and passed over by Apple’s Bonjour which is how most of my media moves around my house. If anyone has this working, I’d love to know more …
Technorati Tags: home sync, nokia, n-series, upnp, dnla, apple, bonjour, itunes, smart playlist
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