Some recent saved favorites from Pocket:
Should Tech Designers Go With Their Guts — Or the Data?: For many tech companies, design is no longer subjective. Instead, it’s all about the data. Analytics click and hum behind the scenes, measuring the effectiveness of even the tiniest design decisions. – by Braden Kowitz –
Facebook likes wearable technology, but the tech’s not quite ready to like back: We’ve become accustomed to posts flooding our news feeds proclaiming that a friend has just completed a 5-mile run or taken their 3,000th step of the day, but that’s not enough for Facebook. At a recent hackathon held at its headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. – by Michael Gorman –
Motiif “M” smart trench coat offers integrated 4G LTE and smartphone charger: Wearable technology is mostly limited to smartwatches and smart glasses, though other types have been — and actively are — being developed. A particularly unique type is clothing, of which we’ve seen samples in the past. – by Brittany Hillen –
Apple Finds Surprising Growth Market in Japan: Apple Inc. AAPL -0.29% is striking gold in an unlikely place: Japan. In the past two years, Japan has emerged as Apple’s fastest-growing region, far outpacing its home market and the booming economies of Greater China and the rest of Asia. – by Daisuke Wakabayashi –
Google Relents on YouTube Ad Measurement: For about two years, Google Inc. GOOG -0.54% refused to let Nielsen Holdings NLSN -0.28% place measurement tags on ads running on YouTube, a stance that media buyers say stopped some advertisers buying time on the online video site. – by Suzanne Vranica –
Same Time, Same Channel? TV Woos Kids Who Can’t Wait: When Eric Nelson’s 6-year-old daughter, Charlotte, and 10-year-old son, Asa, discover that they cannot rewind or fast-forward a TV show, they are perplexed — and their father is, too. It is hard to explain the limitations of live television to children who have grown up in an on-demand world. – by BRIAN STELTER –
Shafted Again.: Can we ever get a break? Apparently not. – by BikeSnobNYC –
New invention ‘harvests’ electricity from background radiation and could be used to beam power to remote locations or recharge phones wirelessly: Engineers at Duke University have designed a breakthrough gadget that ‘harvests’ background microwave radiation and converts it into electricity, with the same efficiency as solar panels. – by Daily Mail Reporter – Tags: engineers,duke university,allen hawkes,alexander katko,steven cummer, –
Shopify now allows stores to accept Bitcoin: E-commerce platform Shopify is already tackling the world’s newest form of currency. Today, the company announced that it now supports Bitcoin payment through Bitpay on checkout for stores using the platform. – by Owen Williams –
More iPhone buyers switching from Android this year than in 2012: New research by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, based on interviews of 400 new iPhone 5s and 5c buyers, indicates that an increasing proportion of Apple’s customers are coming from Android compared to last year. – by Daniel Eran Dilger – Tags: Apple, Apple Inc, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod nano, Apple TV, Apple, iPod shuffle, iTunes, i mac, mac os x, mac osx, Apple Computer, Apple Computer Inc., Mac OS X, iMac, iBook, Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, Magic Pad, Magic Mouse, iPod classic, App Store, iTunes Store, iBook Store, mac book, Microsoft, Adobe, Research in Motion, RIM, Nokia, Samsung, Google, Nvidia, Intel –