As I read Oliver’s post on MobileCrunch, I realized that I am not alone in packing gadgets and accessories for a trip. As I packed for my recent trip to Iceland I geared up for the adventure specifically (mainly with International adapters), but actually carry a similar load on most days. Here’s the core gear I brought along:
- Nokia E61 – My main work device. I use it for Exchange sync via MailforExchange, calls, browsing and the occasional VOIP call. I use the mobile Gmail client to check my personal mail as well as
- Nokia N73 – I swap my SIM to this baby for my personal use and actually consider it the current champ in Nokia’s arsenal of devices. I love the size, camera and connectivity – amazing reception! On my trip I bailed on the E61 once I realized that there was not an abundance of WiFi (as in none) and used this to snap pics which were then auto-uploaded to Flickr via Shozu.
- Nokia N93 – The camera is definitely better than the N73 and takes larger size images and videos, but the size is less comfortable in my pocket. Also as a Cingular customer, I am lacking the 850 band which enables far better reception on the N73. I do really like what this device can do, but given the choice as I have been, I prefer the N73. I still brought it thinking I would have a chance to do some video capture as we toured around…
- Nokia BH-800 – My Bluetooth headset
- Nokia 770 Internet Tablet – This is one of my favorite devices. While I wish there was a slide out keyboard, it’s great for what I use it for which is reading news feeds, listening to streaming audio, reading email (short replies via stylus) and VOIP calls via Gizmo — I was able to call my wife from the airport in Reykjavik through Gizmo which worked great.. It’s quite small considering all that it packs and can easily connect via bluetooth to any of my phones or use WiFi when it’s around.
- Nokia LD1W GPS – Awesome for Wayfinder on the phones as well as Maemo Mapper on the 770
- Nikon D70s – I knew going to Iceland was not something you get to do every week so I brought this excellent camera along to capture some high res keepers.
- Nintendo DS – Games!
- 60GB 5G iPod – I actually watched my first movie from the ITMS on the way home… Cars.
I recently removed both the N70 and N90 from my backpack which I don’t actually find myself using much these days but had them in there for comparison with some of the newer NSeries units. I also carry a pretty vast array of cables and connectors and a Sprint EVDO card along with a Powerbook (no work issue MacBookPro yet).
As you might expect, I’m used to getting stopped at security and having everything swabbed for explosives. I don’t think the TSA appreciates seeing so much gear at one time in a single bag. Interestingly one of my colleagues was traveling with two laptops and did not get stopped so I’ve concluded it’s the cables and smaller things that make them nervous. I’m sure it’s odd to see someone with 3+ phones and an internet tablet (a what!?) but it’s all normal for me… 😉
Technorati Tags: E-Series, E61, N-Series, N70, N73, N90, N93, Travel, VOIP
WOW…. Are you serious? 3 phones and a tablet…!?!? That’s a lot of $$$ right there. I think with the Nokia N95 you can throw away the ipod, GPS,N73, and N93.
Serious. I received the N73 and N93 as part of the Nokia Blogger Program, but bought the 770 tablet and E61. And yes I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the N95 which will be the “one to rule them all.”
Man, you rock! All the gadgets you have are the best! I can imagine faces of customs at their aiport…))))
I do what I can … 😉
It’s nice to be able to choose on the go. Unfortunately I’m stuck having to decide on a single phone, either the e61 or the N73. It’s a huge toss-up between losing the camera entirely and all of the business advantages of the e61. I just wish the e61i were out already – it would make my life so much easier.
Other than the camera, is there any major reason to give up on the e61?
All depends on your real needs… I was able to get Mail for Exchange running on the N73 so I was in sync with an Exchange server… a nice mix of the two.
Hard to beat the full keyboard, but I do miss the camera when using the E61. With WiFi you can also do VOIP if that is of interest or a need… You can’t easily get that working on even a 3G data connection.
On a truly personal note the N73 is my favorite device. It feels good, has a great battery and screen and is easy to carry in any pocket.
Hmm…does the N73 battery last longer than the E61?
I saw the video you made with MFE running on the N73. I don’t know if it’s an issue with the settings, but the font was rather huge. It didn’t seem all that usable.
I was otherwise quite happy with my 6280, but the horribly short battery life has forced me to need to change phones quickly. As far as Nokia goes locally, the only options are the N73 and E61. I had a quick look at the N73, and the keys seem quite small especially compared to the 6280 slider. How is it for typing messages?
There is no comparison — the N73 lasts MUCH longer. I had no issues with M4E on the N73 – though clearly the E61 is superior for that purpose with both screen and keyboard. The other bit which is a silly restriction is that incoming messages from M4E only show up on the main screen on the phone.
I don’t have any issues tapping out messages on the N73 – though it’s far easier with a full keyboard, especially if you need to write a longer one…
Thanks for the info. I’ve scheduled the swap of the E61 for the N73. I’ve gotten quite used to the qerty keyboard already, but I think in the long run you’re probably right.
my pleasure – I still have my E61 but don’t miss it or seek it out regularly at all.