I have a trip pending for this Sunday afternoon to Iceland on business… I’ve never been and actually will only be there for a night due to a combination of meetings and Thanksgiving week.
This is the first time I’ve been overseas without an international capable phone so I’ve been making a few tech plans to handle matters through VOIP.
I’ve got Gizmo on my Nokia 770 and Powerbook which can also do Skype and iChat. My Nokia E61 can do TruPhone and SipPhone, but since I reset the device last night I’ve only installed Truphone — which is running great btw and automatically is chosen as the callout option when I walk into my house…slick.
Since I’ll be looking to chat with my wife, only Gizmo/Sipphone and Truphone make sense so I can call the home phone and not have her have to be tethered to the computer far from practical with two kids running around…
I’m hoping I’ll be able to get Wifi so I can do things over the E61, but worst case, I’ll have to sit in the room near my computer to call out over a cable connection. Airport access should not be much of an issue either actually as there’s usually Wifi in the international terminals.
Technorati Tags: Gizmo Project, E61, Skype, VOIP, Truphone